Saturday, August 27, 2011

day in amherst/northampton, part 1

took a trip to massachusetts last weekend for one last summer hoorah.
it was a gorgeous, clear blue, sunny-skied afternoon in amherst
{especially nice because the town hadn't yet seen the return of
all the college students/back to school hubbub.}

at the eric carle museum,
where there was a very special illustration on exhibit!

very late lunch - pizza slices at antonio's.
then amherst books. mostly new books upstairs,
and a whole basement filled with used books for sale!

Rao's Coffee
{we can't visit another town without stopping into the local coffeehouse
for a drink and a little break time to read & relax.}

Sunday, August 21, 2011

saturday csa

some of this week's offerings from the farm.

Friday, August 19, 2011

the fair!

swung by opening night of the altamont fair.

i held this guy!


the fair is a great place to go if you're looking to give yourself nightmares. after being coerced by my friends, i ventured into the "circus museum" for the first time in my life, a place i've always made it a point to steer clear of.

the best fried dough at the fair, hands-down.
(no*, all fried doughs are not created equal).

sigh, this fair is always a little bittersweet because it really signals the end of summer. boo.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

End of Summer

Treat at Crisan (*thanks Kaitlin!)

Strawberry picking in Kinderhook

The Point Cafe, Schenectady NY



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