Friday, July 31, 2009

Hello August!

It's hard to believe, but we've already come to the first weekend in August. Where did July go?

Tonight I'm off to see this movie, and possibly even a second one - the dark, rainy weather today is perfect for just sitting in a theater watching back to back movies.

How gorgeous are these photos from Flickr user likings of a girl ?

summer whites

A pretty house tour seen here.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Perfect Summer Thursday, Albany Style

Today was one of those perfect summer days, spent in my city with my dear friend Amanda.

Early morning bike ride, followed by breakfast at Miss Albany Diner.

Meet Amanda for coffee & catching up at
my favorite coffee spot, Uncommon Grounds.

Grab a bite to eat at Hot Dog Heaven on Lark Street. One hot dog with
*the works* and mac salad. Mmm.

Throw on bathing suits and head over to the Lincoln Park Pool,
magazines and Metroland in tow, where we spent a few hours soaking up the gorgeous afternoon sunlight and splashing around a bit.

Time to head back home, but not before stopping
at Crisan for some gelato.

A good day, indeed.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Summer Reading

The best thing about running a book club - aside from having insightful discussions about books with interesting people - is that it keeps me on track with my reading, even when life gets busied up with other things. I just finished In Cold Blood by Truman Capote, and right now I'm in the early stages of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (Mark Twain). Following Huck Finn, it will be the Tennessee Williams play, The Glass Menagerie. Also on deck for this summer: Lord of the Flies, Lolita, and A Homemade Life.

What are you reading this summer, dear readers? Any suggestions you'd like to pass along?

illustration by theblackapple

Girl Crush!

on garance dore

Rockstar Diaries

I love her photographs.



Monday, July 27, 2009

Beautiful Window Seat

Check out this breathtaking window seat, featured on Apartment Therapy, via the Swedish real estate site, Alvhem (more pictures).

Governor's Island

I created this post a while ago and just forgot to post it. Doesn't this party on Governor's Island look like so much fun? I would love the chance to dress up and dance like this.

photos via sartorialist

500 Days of Summer

Pretty excited to see this movie on Friday!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Inspired: Summer Edition

Some pages from my inspiration journal for the months of June & July - a few of the things that make summer so grand. {click images to view large}

I hope you're all having an amazing summer filled with friends, laughter, and good food. xo

Friday, July 24, 2009

Have a Wonderful Weekend

i'm off to a wedding this weekend, and who knows what else?

might be a good chance to do some berry picking, some garage sale and flea market shopping, and catch up on my summer reading list. it's our last weekend in july.

photos by alicia bock

Thursday, July 23, 2009

On the Farm, Part 2

The farm is family-run and produces organic vegetables, pastured chickens, turkeys, pigs, hay, grain, herbs and beautiful flowers -- all available at the local Saturday morning Farmer's Market or through a CSA membership.



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